SHARC Minutes
July 27th 2004

Call to Order: Time: 7:31p.m.

Introduction of Members and Guests:

14 members attended:

Agenda & Minutes:

The agenda is on the web. Previous month's minutes are on the web.

Treasurer's Report:

Committee Reports:

Not much activity this month. Waiting to put repeaters at Grasshopper Peak.

Emergency Planning Meeting:

Training Friday-July 30th from 1:00p.m. to 3:30p.m. at CDF in Garberville. This meeting will teach you about the Instant Command System.
You will be learning about this to be Net Control @ CDF in case of an emergency.

Discussion on this meeting followed the announcement. Nancy W. will arrange a ride if you need one.

Old Business:

Newsletter: Nancy & Jerry offered to put the Fall Newsletter together. Gary offered to help.

On the Air Check-in:

We will check-in alphabetically on the air. Our names will be called by the net control person. This will be done on a Monday night net. Discussion followed on the pros and cons of this way of check-in. Jack said it is used as a way of training for net control. Nancy said we will keep it simple. It is an opportunity for new people to check in. And, hear from old people. And, it is a training for an emergency. We will try this once a year. Nancy thanked Gary and Lamar for putting together the alphabetical list of members. Jack volunteered to be net control for this check-in.

New Business:

Nominating Committee:

Jerry asked who will be on the nominating committee. Nancy Wilson will not be returning as President. Jack, Dave, and Sally volunteered to get together and make up a slate. Jack is the board person. Dave and Sally are the two members on the committee.

Work Party:

Grasshopper Peak to put up the solar panels. Lamar, Jack, Gary, and Cliff volunteered. Jerry and Nancy would like to go. Jack will choose a date wait the weather cools down.

Open Forum:

Update the membership list. Nancy has one from July 2nd. If there are not 47 members she will update it.

Door Prize: All who have attended the meeting will have their names put in the hat for the holiday drawing.

Meeting Adjourned:
8:05p.m. by President Nancy Wilson

Minutes submitted by: Cathy Lentz