SHARC Minutes - August 2004 (Graphic by Kim A. Cabrera, 9/6/04)

August 24, 2004

Call to Order:
7:00p.m. by Jack Foster sitting in for President Nancy Wilson. The meeting was held on the air.

Introduction of Members and Guests:
11 attended the meeting.

Previous Minutes:
Jack read the July minutes. They are posted on the web.

Treasurer's Report:
Liability insurance will cost $264.66. We will have $711.62 in our regular account after this expenditure. Test equipment fund: $949.52

Membership: 47

Old Business:
Newsletter: Gary has copied it and mailed it. 108 newsletters have been sent to members and people on the invitation letter list. All
costs were donated except $66.00 for stamps.

Alphabetic check-in on the Net: Will be on the Monday before the September meeting.

CDF Work Party:
We need to have a work party at the CDF Station in Garberville finish their work.

Emergency Preparedness Meeting:
Friday August 27th at 1:00p.m at CDF in Garberville.

New Business:
Jack: the 94 repeater is off at Shelter Cove. Jack is fixing it.

Grasshopper Peak Work date:
After much discussion it was decided it will probably be on Saturday Sept.18th.

Weapons of Mass Destruction Trainings:
Wed. August 25th in Fortuna at the Fire Station (Left side near Kentucky Fried Chicken at the Stop Light on Fortuna Blvd.) 8am-5p.m. This will qualify you to attend the Sept. 9th Training at CDF in Garberville. Both classes are free. You don't need to attend the first one to attend the second.

September 13th: Far West Picnic. Buy raffle tickets from Jack. 2 mobile units and 2 handheld units are some of the prizes.

Open Forum:
Cliff reported about his participation in communication for the fires near the Redding area. He was a helpful ham. All cell phones were down. The only communication was through ham equipment mobiles. Cliff was stationed at the Red Cross in Redding. He was communication support for the area.

Meeting adjourned: 8:02p.m. by Jack Foster