Sharc byte news November 2001

Turkey on the lookout

November 2001 Issue


Southern Humboldt Amateur Radio Club

Minutes of October 23, 2001


Treasurer Jack Foster KM6TE brought the meeting to order at 1908 Hours

The following members were present:


AGENDA accepted as presented

PREVIOUS MINUTES: Approved after a spelling correction (Brian not Brian Sargent)

TREASURER'S REPORT: There is $341 in the Savings Account and $922 in the Equipment Fund.

There are 33 Paid up Regular Members and 8 Associate Members.


Repeaters: The sensitivity of the 146.94 Repeater is low. Jack is still waiting for his Service Monitor to come back from repair before he can determine the problem. If we take the duplexer out for repair then we should put up a temporary antenna. FWRA is looking into putting in a repeater at Mad River on Highway 36. They would like to use 147.94 the same frequency as our Shelter Cove Repeater. Jack feels that there won't be any interference problem because of the mountains between.

Antennas: No report on the Phillipsville Fire House installation.

Event Communications: Several club members participated in the Redwood Marathon - a cold day.

There will be a State wide hospital Disaster drill November 15 starting about 7AM. The Ham 2 meter frequency will be 146.910 MHz. We will be operating out of the Hospital. The Disaster Preparedness Planning Committee may join in. Disaster Preparedness Planning Committee meets Nov 9 at the Public Health Building to work on putting up maps and chalkboards in the Command Post for Incident Command operation. Need to check out the 2-meter antenna.

OLD BUSINESS: Nominating Committee; Jack has the ballots for election to the Board. He handed them out to members in attendance and will mail the remainder to the other members.

Lighthouse Contest: As the event will be some time next August we will take it up the first of the year.

Kit Building Project Night: Jack said that we could use his shop if there were not too many participating. We need to talk it up on the Monday Night Net.

Schools: Eureka groups are setting up classes in packet use

December Holiday Party: Needed a Prize Committee - Jack and Cliff were appointed. Jerry Moved that the Committee be allowed to spend up to $200 on prizes. 2nd by Warren - Passed unanimously.

Party to be Dec 11 at the Civic Club, a pot luck starting at 6 with dinner at 7.

(Secretary’s note: Subsequently it was found that date was not available so the date has been changed to December 12).


DOOR PRIZE Jack won an upscale wire cutter and insulation stripping tool..


Respectfully submitted J.R.Wilson KF6IBP, Secretary


Turkey with fanned tail. Photo by Kim A. CabreraUPCOMING EVENTS

"December Club Meeting"

The Southern Humboldt Amateur Club will hold its "December Club Meeting" at the Women’s Civic Club in Garberville. It will be a potluck and we will eat at 7 pm with the drawing for the raffle prizes after the dinner.

The new officers and board members for the next year will also be announced at this time. I will also be announcing this on our Monday night check in on the 146.790 Repeater at 7 pm following the roll call portion. For more information, call Jack Foster at 707-923-3700 after 5 pm.

Turkey in a meadow. Photo by Kim A. CabreraV E TESTNG

1000 HOURS

November 17th 2001

The Humboldt Amateur Radio Club will have VE testing on this date. Bring two forms of I.D. and the correct amount of money or a check as the Volunteer Examiners do not have the ability to make change. The fee for each exam is $10.00

If you are already licensed bring a photocopy or the original for verification and a Photo-copy for the FCC. The same applies if you have a CSCE.

Testing will begin at 10:00 am at the Eureka Fire Department. Use the 6th Street entrance.

For more information call: Irma, KF6FY @ 707-826-0767

Turkey hen. Photo by Kim A. CabreraPULLING TOGETHER

Most times it seems the most political issues reaching hams radio newsletters are involved with radio and band changes. I would like to break that "pattern" or mold and take note of the changes that are occurring after the attack against the World Trade Center.

I see many people talking to neighbors for the first time. I see the flag that stands for so much waving in many new places.

Most people are concerned about the terrorism and the threat to the world stability. I now have a deeper understanding why the FCC make possible the "Modification" to ham radio. Many in the ham community are receiving FEMA information on a regular basis. I consider this prudent and an important idea.

I have harped on "Preparedness" for years and hope that most hams are "ready to serve."

This short article is to make most aware of the "golden opportunity" we have to resolve ourselves to what I like to call "Random Acts of Kindness."

We cannot change the "World Wide Picture" much, but never has there been a better time to communicate to others compliments, and kindness. This is what I see all types of people doing in the light of this tragic terror that is NOT OVER! Stay tuned, stay observant, stay calm, but I implore each and every person to commit "Random Acts of Kindness." This makes our country such a wonderful place to call home.

What are you doing to make this planet a better and kinder place to live?

73 To One And All from Cory Allen (Editor) KN6ZU


I do hope that some articles will come in from hams in the community.


By the kind permission of the fine folks at PRYME Publishing and "gleaned" from "Mobile Radio Technology" I have received permmission to reprint the following article. The whole article will be on the Web site as soon as I can send it to our WEB Manager Kim, KG6BFO.

This will be a "multi-issue" article and I started with the second part first…

Web manager note: These files require Adobe Acrobat Reader to open.
This is available free online. Click here to download the reader:

The Articles:

How's Your Antenna - Part1

How's Your Antenna - Part2